The Great Dictator (1940)

Der Grosse Diktator


Home IMDb 8.4 (231996) FSK 6

Actors Charles Chaplin Hank Mann Chester Conklin Joe Bordeaux Billy Gilbert Walter Bacon Wyn Ritchie Evans Tiny Sandford Richard Alexander William Irving Henry Roquemore George Nardelli Oliver Cross John Davidson Bert Moorhouse Leo White Harry Wilson Eddie Hart Alexander Pollard Charles Sullivan Harry Semels Pat Flaherty Charles Irwin Grace Hayle Cyril Ring Paulette Goddard Jack Gordon Leyland Hodgson Herschel Graham William Arnold Lew Davis Sam Harris Bert Stevens Gino Corrado Count Stefenelli Ethelreda Leopold James Carlisle Jules Michelson Jack Perrin Jack Oakie Reginald Gardiner Henry Daniell Carter DeHaven Maurice Moscovitch Emma Dunn Bernard Gorcey Paul Weigel Esther Michelson Florence Wright Rudolph Anders George Lynn Wheeler Dryden John Alban Fred Aldrich Brandon Beach Chet Brandenburg Don Brodie Tom Coleman Hans Conried Max Davidson Bud Geary Clyde McLeod Russell Meeker Torben Meyer Manuel París Lucien Prival John Rice Francesca Santoro Hans Schumm
Directors Charles Chaplin
Genre Comedy / Drama / War
Series -
Oscar -
Best lists
→ AF31
→ Chaplin
Collection / Storage
→ Chaplin   126min   E   DVD 0 NTSC   1.33:1
→ Bruckner   126min   ED/d   MKV   1.33:1
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